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Tarot Magick Singapore

Intense Attraction Oil Version 4.0

Intense Attraction Oil Version 4.0

Regular price $111.00 SGD
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Spelled by me, remotely spelled by my sister via videocall throughout the ritual + follow up rituals by us individually.

Blessed by:

* Goddess Lilith 
* Goddess Frejya
* Goddess Aphrodite
* Lord Eros
* Prince Sitri
* Duke Dantalion

Purpose: to attract anything you desire (be practical, of course) from anyone. Note that it has to come from a person as this attraction oil attracts people to give you what you want (attention, sales, admiration etc)

- Roll on left wrist 9 times clockwise focusing on your intentions
- Roll on right side of neck 9 times clockwise focusing on your intentions
- you can roll on eyebrows or even dab a bit on lips (if you’re kissing the person) and palms (if you’re touching the person or holding their hand)

*made with pure organic cold pressed jojoba oil + pure essential oil + Magick herbs + combination of magick. No artificial fragrance or colour added.

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